Sunday, January 20, 2008

Martinsville Bulletin Photo contest

Everybody dig up your best shots of Henry Co. Only 125 shots were entered last year. You can enter up to 3 shots per person and only amateur photographers. I have my favorite picked out but I'll be throwing in 2 more just for good measure.
Just in case ya'll are wondering where I've been, my sister loaned me her Wii
I've bowled golfed and fished my brains out on the thing. I love it. It's very user friendly especially toward the older genaration. Easy to connect to tv and easy on screen instruction as to how to play;hold the remote and the best thing is it gets you off the couch.Fishing and sports are my favorite games. Don't care much for the Mario stuff type games. Guess I out grew them.
And for Christmas she gave me the coolest thing. It's the Kodak EasyShare digital picture frame.
It also was easy to hook up. She also bought me a data card and card reader which is also easy to hook up. I just don't know a whole lot about a computer so to get started My brother-in-law Buck came up last night and reconnected my router and showed me how to load my data card with pics. So cool a gadget you won't believe. Kodak EasyShare digital picture frame.

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